The Coronavirus lockdown has heavily affected the entertainment industry over the past five years.
Figures from the Motion Picture Association (MPA) 2021 report showed that there was a 23% increase in digital streaming in 2020 compared to 2019.
Cinema admissions were down by 74% during 2020, due to the lockdown.
In recent years, it has shot up from 44 million in 2021, when cinema lovers were starting to return, to 117 million in 2022, when the UK was fully out of lockdown.
Historically, the most popular demographic for going to cinema is teenagers and young adults aged between 16 and 24.
In 2022 it was reported by OFCOM that only 44.7% of people watched live TV.
Data shows that only 15.31% of children aged between 4-15 are watching live TV.
This is likely due to children being much more active on social media and watching TV being deemed ‘old-fashioned’.

Adults aged 16-34 are consuming most of their ‘TV’ content on video sharing platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.
People aged between 16-34 are, on average, watching 72 minutes a day of television.
The Coronavirus pandemic changed our lifestyles in many ways. While traditional ways of watching films at the cinema and programmes on the television declined, the music industry was booming.
Even though world tours for music artists was down by 64%, some artists managed to work from home, forming collaborations which led to work – one of which included Taylor Swift and Bon Inver with Swift’s album, Exile.
In 2020, smartphones were the most popular ways of listening to music.
This was due to people not going to gigs or concerts because of the Coronavirus lockdown restrictions.
People were able to watch virtual concerts and gigs online through live streaming platforms such as YouTube and TikTok.
Songs that were popular throughout lockdown, in 2020, were not created then, despite what people think.
Viral songs including Supalonely by Benee, was released in December 2019, Savage by Megan Thee Stallion, was released in March 2020 and Death Bed (Cup of Coffee for Your Head) by Powfu, was released February 2020 – all pre-pandemic.
Data source here.
Featured image by Luisella Planeta LOVE PEACE 💛💙 from Pixabay
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