
Fresh rail strikes set for August over pay and conditions dispute

Rail workers are set to strike again in August as disputes between union leaders and rail operators over pay and conditions continue.

The RMT union has called on its members to walk out on 18 and 20 August, which could see 40,000 workers across Network Rail and 14 operating companies take part.

It comes following three days of strikes last month which saw widespread disruption across Britain’s railway network.

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch said: “The rail industry and the government need to understand that this dispute will not simply vanish.

“They need to get serious about providing an offer on pay which helps deal with the cost-of-living crisis, job security for our members and provides good conditions at work.

“Recent proposals from Network Rail fell well short on pay and on safety around maintenance work. And the train operating companies have not even made us a pay offer in recent negotiations.

“We remain open for talks, but we will continue our campaign until we reach a negotiated settlement.”

RMT strike action is also scheduled for 27 July, while train drivers’ union Aslef has also called for a strike on 30 July.

South Western Railway, which operates lines in London, is expected to operate on a reduced timetable during the RMT strikes.

The operator expects knock-on rail service disruption on the day following the 27 July strike and suggests passengers find alternate means of travel that day and the following morning.

Commenting on the 27 July strike, SWR’s Managing Director Claire Mann said: “It is bitterly disappointing that the RMT has announced this latest strike date.

“We know how damaging and disruptive industrial action can be, and I’m sorry to all those who’s plans will be disrupted by this damaging strike.”

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